Monday, January 2, 2012


I know I should at least attempt to make some changes to my life.  I have a never ending supply of "attempts".  Probably because I know that January 1st comes around every year, thank God.  If I thought this was the only one I'd be more panicked.  ( There is all that talk about the end of the world being December 21st, 2012 , which my crazy aunt is so concerned about that she's making plans to move to Mesa, Arizona , I don't know why.  She also claims that she can communicate with UFOs, speak in tongues and can heal by touch.  Personally, I think she's been affected by all the years of living with angry ex-nuns, need I say more?)  But whatever.  So here's my list.

1. Stay centered daily - start with Christ.  I love listening to Alistair Begg's sermons. There's an app for that.
2. Eat less
3. Move more.

I was an advanced reader. 

4. Develop all the damn pictures that are living on my computer.
5. Read 24 books this year ( usually I can do this on vacation alone , but I need to have a goal)

6. Figure out what all the other buttons are on this blog site. Honestly - no clue.  Just winging it.
7. Purge, purge , purge.  Clean out one dead relative's house and this will motivate you.
8. Do something creative - EVERYDAY
9. Have no more than 9 resolutions. ( tah-dah)

What are yours?

1 comment:

  1. Be more consistent in my Bible/prayer time. Eat healthier. Start exercising. Get more organized. Spend time scrapbooking, sewing, crafting. Send family members birthday cards on their birthday. Lisa
