Monday, April 2, 2012

Rewards Cards.

I've decided to start my own personal rewards card system. And I earn points for all kinds of things that my regular rewards cards have failed to recognize. For instance tonight I get to watch the basketball game with a disgruntled Ohio State Alumni while he balances my checkbook. I think he decided if he was going to be in a bad mood anyway .................20 points

For only eating ONE sleeve of Girl Scout Thin Mints after being forced to accompany said disgruntled alumni to the gym where I did the Bataan Death March on the treadmill while listening/watching episodes of Arrested Development on my iPhone................10 points for the death march..........20 points for clever use of time.  I'm almost caught up to the third season.

For not drinking on the job after spending an hour on the phone with the automated system of an insurance company, screaming "VERIFYING BENEFITS" " V E R I F Y ....oh shit, forget it" .....'SALES PLEASE'  (someone ALWAYS answers sales...)  8 points. 

For NOT setting verbal fire to the facebook police. ( jeesh, get a life)   only 2 points ( because the week isn't over)

For not killing off any of my pets or anyone else's THAT I'M AWARE OF. 20 points

Finding a 5 leaf clover.       100 points.    just because.

and with all those points I rewarded myself with....................

To cute for words. so "ahhhhhhh"

Robin topped knitting needles. Useful for knitting AND defending oneself from disgruntled check balancing OSU alumni. If need be.             but mostly knitting.

1 comment:

  1. Good grief! why didn't someone tell me I used "alumni" incorrectly? And not once but three fricking times.....arghhhhhh! It sounds like the entire student body has been balancing my checkbook. Bill would agree that it would take that many.
