Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Things I don't understand

Stiletto heals with shorts.

single squirrel

Mustaches on everything.  Clearly I'm missing something here.

The word "gellin" from the shoe insert commercial.

Pregnancy Pictures.

Preschool/Kindergarten/8th grade graduations

Woman who do their hair and makeup and then bath in perfume before coming to the gym.  Just stop. Stop.

Frozen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Reasoning with a 2 year old.

Reasoning with a 92 year old.

Snakes as pets.  ( give me a hug)


Justin Bieber. 


3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon.

Why my car will tell me which door is open but NOT which tire is low.

Not returning the cart to the cart bin at stores


subways in Chicago

beeline ( bees never fly straight)

And this was just yesterday. 

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