Friday, January 11, 2013

If I'm drinking Coconut Milk it must be January.

Imagine a picture of coconut milk here-~~~~~~

Now imagine that I can remember how to upload the stupid file.........
Isn't it lovely. Such wonderful marketing designs on the coconut milk.

God help me.......survive Bill's new health kick.  This time it's coconut milk.  [retching noises].  AT least this is an add-on , unlike the year of "forbidden peanut butter" when he replaced it with safflower butter and  almond butter and the kids and dog were up in arms/paws.  And we don't even HAVE allergies.  Peanut butter fell the way of pork, brussel sprouts, pea nuts, diet drinks, cantaloupe, french fries, ........I've lost count.      The kids would look in the pantry and lament "oh no, Dad's read another book".  To which I would say "Look in the s p e c i a l cabinet."  Where M&Ms, Jiffy, Miracle whip, butter, potato chips, and Little Debbie's live.

We've been thru all the percentages of cows milk.  Whole to 2% to skim to 1% to 2% to almond to rice and now coconut.  I think he's just messing with me.  He keeps pouring it and I add half a jug of Hershey's syrup to it. 

Bill: " I'm trying to help you , this adds so much more calcium to your diet."
Me:" I'm sure I'd like it better if I were sitting on the beach.  Can you put tequila in it?"
Bill: " Just try it."
Me: "No,wait, let me smell it. NO"
Bill: " I'm going to keep pouring it until you try it."
Me:  "No means no, don't make me call one of those women's groups.  They'll be here so fast protesting something it will make your head spin. Then I'll have to wear some rubber awareness of Coconut Milk abuse plastic bracelet.  Do you really want to be responsible for that movement?  The president will have to sign an order for a month to be called Coconut Milk Awareness Month. They'll be fundraisers and 1K, because we're too  calcium depleted to run very far, and then you'll get the cows in an uproar over equality for cows milk.  You don't know who you're messing with."
Bill:  [sighs]

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